Elevator Maintenance: What Every User Should Know

 A lot of information appears outside and inside an elevator. Before pressing the landing button, take a look at it: a logo or brand often appears. Most of the time, this is the brand of the Elevator Maintenance you are going to take. But beware, this is not always the case. Indeed, the original button may have been replaced.

Once inside the cabin, make sure that the device's nameplate is present. It must indicate the number of people and the maximum payload authorized. Be sure to follow these valuable guidelines: too many impatient people sometimes rush into crowded elevators to the detriment of the basic notion of security.

The owner of an elevator is required to maintain it

The lift is a formidable tool that makes it possible to extend the construction of cities upwards and meet the challenge of accessibility to places of life and work. But as in cars, the components wear out and get out of order and it is sometimes necessary to repair or replace parts, for the proper functioning of the lift and everyone's safety.

Ensuring from the outset that your lift will benefit from good maintenance is therefore essential. It is indeed regular and serious maintenance, upstream of the problems, which will make it possible to maintain a good general state of the apparatus, guarantee safety for all, and avoid breakdowns as much as possible.

How to choose a reliable company for the maintenance of your elevator?

In view of the importance of the elevator in a building, choosing a quality service provider should be a priority for all condominiums. You may have many questions about how to choose your elevator maintenance company. Here is a quick overview of a few main questions you should ask yourself:

1 - Is it mandatory to go through the manufacturer of your lift(s)?

Contrary to what one might think, it is not necessary to call on the service of the manufacturer of the device to ensure perfect maintenance.

You should know that the elevator is a set of parts accessible in self-service. Any maintenance company has access to all of these parts and can therefore service your lift.

What will ensure you a good quality of maintenance is not the fact that the company is the manufacturer but the competence of the Lift Servicing Company that will intervene, its knowledge of your lift, and the time it will have to do the job properly.

2- How will I know what is happening on my lift?

The real backbone of a condominium, the elevator is an essential part of everyday life.

As a co-owner, member of the union council, or manager, you know the problems caused by the shutdown or malfunction of a device. You know, for example, that immobilization of the elevator can generate dozens of calls, emails, and above all concerns among residents.

Each day of stoppage exponentially increases the stress felt by the inhabitants: the situation can then quickly become hellish for those who are responsible for the proper functioning of the lift.

It is therefore essential to anticipate good communication, in the event of problems. Who can you call? Is it a single contact? When and how will follow-up be ensured?

Ask all these questions to the Lift Maintenance Company, before signing the contract. It must undertake to provide you with this essential information.


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